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May 24, 2020

Originally Presented: August 10th, 2008

Scripture Reading: Romans 12:9-15

The subject of Romans 12:13 is money, or more specifically, a sharing of what we have with other Christians who have material needs.  This verse is not talking about visiting someone in the hospital to soothe an emotional need, nor is this talking about offering someone helpful advice to render wisdom regarding a marital tension or some problem at work.

This verse has in mind the use of our money and physical resources (house, food, clothes, etc.) to help ensure that people of the household of faith do not go hungry or homeless.  Regarding the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ we are to be sensitive in our hearts and generous with our money.

In the broader context, the Bible gives us direction as to the use of our money when it comes to giving in the church.  “On the first day of every week let each one of you put aside and save, as he may prosper, that no collections be made when I come” (1 Cor 16:2).  “Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver” ( 2 Cor 9:7).

We are to give regularly.  “On the first day of every week . . .”  As regular exercise is more beneficial to the body than exercising only once in a while, so regular giving is more spiritually beneficial to the soul.

We are to give individually.  “. . . let each one of you put aside . . .”  The responsibility to give to the Lord’s work belongs to every one of us, regardless of economic status.

We are to give proportionally.  “. . . as he may prosper . . .”  Some proportion is suggested in this phrase.  The more one has, the more he should give.  The Old Testament law stipulated that 10 percent of Israelite incomes should be given to the temple.  Though this percentage is not specifically stated in the New Testament epistles as a law for the church, because it was a workable amount for the Israelites, it should be viewed as a workable amount for us.  The tithe (10 %) should be a goal for some and a starting point for others.

We are to give deliberately.  “Let each do just as he has purposed in his heart . . .”  Giving should be planned, prayerful, thoughtful, budgeted, and not impulsive.

We are to give willingly.  “. . . not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  Willingness is perhaps the most important element in our offerings to God.  It is a principle found in Old and New Testaments alike (cf. Exod 25:2; 35:5; 1 Chr 29:17).   The God who owns all things does not lack for resources.  He wants our hearts, so He does not want us to give anything that is not offered willingly.

The Almighty does not need our money.  He can make money out of the grass.  The issue in giving is our hearts.   In our giving, let us learn to say, with great joy, “O LORD our God, all this abundance that we have provided to build Thee a house for Thy holy name, it is from Thy hand, and all is Thine” (1 Chr 29:16).