Apr 24, 2022
Scripture: John 17:10-17
The first request Jesus makes in this glorious prayer is found in verse 11 … "Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me." Jesus is asking the Father to hold on to these disciples, keeping them aligned with God's name. God's name represents who He is. To be kept 'in His...
Apr 17, 2022
Scripture Reading: Job 14:7-15 From time immemorial, people have wondered out loud about what happens after we die. There is a longing in the human soul for immortality because our Creator has set eternity in our hearts (Ecc 3:11).
Job’s question in this passage reflects the desire in his heart for eternal life. He...
Apr 10, 2022
Scritpture Reading John 17:6-11
Continuing in His glorious prayer, Jesus turns His focus from the glory of the Father and the Son to the needs of His disciples. He knows they are sorrowful and that their grief will increase the next day.
In this prayer, Jesus is clear that He is not praying for the world but for these...
Apr 3, 2022
Scripture Reading: John 17:1-5
This is one of the most exquisite chapters in the Bible. Though we are told that Jesus prayed often, this passage is the only long prayer of Jesus recorded in the gospels. Because these are the words and thoughts of one person of the Godhead (the Son) to another person of the...