Oct 25, 2020
Scripture Reading: John 3:9-15
Having spoken with Nicodemus of the process of the new birth, Jesus now turns His attention to the basis or means of the new birth. The new birth (regeneration) is necessary for entrance into the kingdom of God, but on what basis can such a transformation happen?
Jesus now takes Nicodemus...
Oct 11, 2020
Scripture Reading: John 3:1-10
This is one of the clearest passages in the Bible regarding conversion. Nicodemus is a Jewish Pharisee and is sincerely seeking to know what God requires of a person. As a Pharisee, Nicodemus would have been taught to view religion as mainly behavioral. Jesus' statements to Nicodemus (and...
Oct 4, 2020
Originally Presented: April 5th, 2009
Romans 1:1 - 26:27
Overview of the Greatest Book Ever Written
Oct 4, 2020
Scripture Reading: John 2:23-25
If we read the gospel of John carefully, we see John's governing purpose illustrated again and again. John's purpose, which he specifically states at the end of his book, is to display the nature of Jesus … seen in the many signs which He did … in order that the readers of this book...