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Sep 13, 2020

Scripture Reading: John 1:35-51

God the Son is the obvious center of John 1.  We see this by the repeated reference to Him, using different titles.  He is the Word (Jn 1:1), God (1:1), Light (1:9), Jesus Christ (1:17), Lamb of God (1:29), Rabbi (1:38), Messiah (1:41), Son of God (1:49), King of Israel (1:49), Son of Man (1:51).

John the Baptist's entire ministry was carried out "that he [Jesus] might be revealed to Israel" (Jn 1:31).  So even the stories in John 1:35-51, though they are about four men, are still about Jesus, ultimately.  These men come to believe and to follow Christ.  They are Andrew, Peter, Nathaniel, and an unnamed man (perhaps John, the apostle).

These men knew enough to recognize that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah of Israel.  Imagine the unrestrained joy in coming to that glorious realization!  The One whom the Old Testament writings had anticipated for 4,000 years had been born in their lifetime and they saw and heard Him.

But this passage is ultimately about Jesus as He displays His mercy in inviting them to be with Him … "Come and you will see" (Jn 1:39).  Jesus displays His absolute authority when He changes Simon's name to Peter (Jn 1:42).  Jesus displays His omniscience when He declares what kind of heart Nathaniel has (Jn 1:47) and where Nathaniel had been (Jn 1:49).

Finally, Jesus declares that He is the ultimate link between heaven and sinful humanity … "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man" (Jn 1:51).  Let us rejoice with all our might that, in Christ, heaven has opened to us.  Jesus brings us to God (1 Pet 3:18)!