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Sep 5, 2021

Scripture Reading: John 11:45-57

Though it is not mentioned in word, the gospel of Christ is at the center of this passage. The rejection of Jesus has now taken institutional form. John 11:47 says that "the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council." This is a reference to the Sanhedrin Council in Israel and it is the highest authority in the Jewish community. The High Priest himself, Caiaphas, pronounced a death sentence on Jesus saying, "It is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish" (Jn 11:50).

John focuses on the words "one man should die for the people" and calls on his readers to consider the substitutionary nature of the death of Christ. Yes, indeed, did Jesus die for the nation of Israel and not for them alone, but also "to gather into one the children of God who are abroad" (Jn 11:52) … Jews and Gentiles alike.

The death of Christ was both substitutionary in its nature and global in its extent. The penalty for sin is death. Because of the notion of justice … divine justice, no less … God cannot sweep rebellion against Him under the proverbial rug. Crimes against the Almighty must be punished. For Jesus to drink the cup of God's wrath is the only penalty that completely satisfies divine justice.

It will be an everlasting honor to God for Him to have gathered into one, through the death of Christ, a people from every tribe and tongue.