Jun 6, 2021
Scripture Reading: John 7:37-52
In Biblical times, every morning during the first century Feast of Tabernacles, a priest would draw water from the pool of Siloam with a golden pitcher. In a joyful procession he would lead a march to the altar in the temple courtyard. In a solemn ceremony of pomp and delight, he would pour the water into a bowl next to the altar. The water symbolized God's provision of water for the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness, as well as water for the year's harvest.
Against this background, on the last day of the Feast, Jesus declared, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'" (Jn 7:37,38).
Jesus was not, of course, talking about physical thirst. He was talking about a thirst for God. Everyone thirsts, but few people thirst for God. People thirst for pleasure, money, power, status. But the ultimate reality … and the ultimate satisfaction … is the Creator of all things.
The vast majority of people seek for earthly things that are neither ultimately satisfying nor lasting. But what about the state of our eternal soul? J. C. Ryle says, "There is no clearer proof of the fall of man, and the utter corruption of human nature, than the careless indifference of most people about their souls. No wonder the Bible calls the natural man 'blind,' and 'asleep,' and 'dead,' when so few can be found who are awake, alive, and athirst about salvation" (Ryle, Expository Thoughts on John, 2:29,30).
Believing in Jesus is not just believing the facts about Him. Saving faith is to come to Jesus for who He is and to drink Him in by faith, finding in Him the satisfaction of the longing of our souls for pardon and life.