Sep 12, 2021
Scripture Reading: John 12-1-11
This section in John 12 is a study in contrast. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, displays her deep devotion to and adoration of Jesus, on the one hand. Judas displays his deep contempt for Jesus, on the other hand. Jesus divides people into those two categories, and there is no third category. Someone must either love Christ or reject Christ. There is no middle ground.
Mary's love for Jesus is shown in the value of the expensive ointment with which she anointed Jesus’ head (cf. Mt 26:7) and feet. The cost of the oil was roughly worth a year's wages. Mary's humility before Jesus is shown in her lowly act of wiping the feet of Jesus with her hair.
Judas, on the other hand, did not see the value of Mary's act. This was because Judas was blind to the value of Jesus Himself. Mary loved Jesus. Judas loved money. Behind the guise of helping the poor, Judas criticized Mary's act. John tells us that Judas, being the treasurer of the apostolic group, really wanted the ointment to be sold because he was skimming money from the funds that the apostles used.
Mary's generous and humble act of devotion is an example to us of the necessity and appropriateness of our loving Christ with abandon and great passion, to the point of self-sacrifice. Let us ever bow before the Lord in adoration and thanksgiving simply because He is of infinite value … worthy of infinite honor.