Jan 20, 2019
Scripture Reading: Colossians 2:8-15
The way that Paul combats false teaching in Colossae is to exalt the nature of Christ and to emphasize His work. In Colossians 2:11-15 we have a description of what Christ has done in us (Col 2:11-13) and what Christ has done for us (Col 2:14,15). We have taken these sections in the order they appear, but logically what Christ has done for us has happened first and is the foundation of what He has done in us.
In Christ, God has broken the dominion of sin's power ("putting off the body of the flesh" - Col 2:11) … and God has made us alive with Him (Col 2:13). What is put away in a spiritual circumcision is the old unbelieving, blind, rebellious self. We are given new affections … love for God and a hatred for our sin.
This is God's merciful work in those who trust in Jesus. The basis for this wondrous work is what is described in Colossians 2:14,15. We cannot experience this glorious work in us without Christ's work for us. In Christ God has canceled "the record of debt that stood against us … nailing it to the cross" (Col 2:14). God has removed the penalty of sin from us because He laid this penalty on His Son.
Second, the devil and his evil forces ("rulers and authorities" - Col 2:15) have been defeated by Christ. It is true that we must still struggle against these "rulers and authorities" (cf. Eph 6:12), but we 'wrestle' with confidence in the power of Christ and in His triumph. These demonic forces are as good as defeated because the blow Christ struck was lethal.
Beloved, we have no reason for despair because the divine condemnation we deserve has been taken away and the unseen enemies of our soul have been defeated. There is every reason for joy and hope … all the days of our lives.