Jun 11, 2023
Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:13-18
At issue in this passage is a failure to understand God's patience in postponing His judgment on the wicked. The Israelites had concluded that God had not blessed the righteous, nor had He punished the wicked.
Being oblivious to their sins, the Jews had reasoned that God had slighted them because they had not prospered. On the other hand, they thought God had ignored the wickedness of the surrounding nations.
Their darkened conclusions were … "It is vain to serve God" (Mal 3:14) … and "Evildoers not only prosper, but they put God to the test and they escape" (Mal 3:15).
God's instruction in this passage is that a day is coming when all will "see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked." Those who fear the LORD are called His 'treasured possession.' They will be remembered by Him and spared His horrible judgment (Mal 3:16,17).
The wicked, on the other hand, "will be stubble. The day that is coming will set them ablaze" (Mal 4:1). The great distinction between the righteous and the wicked will be on display in all eternity … the righteous an eternal testimony to God's mercy, and the wicked an eternal testimony to God' justice.
The only two options to every person is either to be God's treasured possession or God's avowed enemy … either to bask in God's gracious mercy or to bear God's consuming fury.