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Jan 17, 2021

Scripture Reading: John 4:27-42

John has recorded four stories, in quick succession, in which the contrast between material realities and spiritual realities is stark. The Jewish leaders thought about the physical temple when Jesus mentioned that He would raise the temple in three days (Jn 2:19,20).  Nicodemus thought about physical birth when Jesus mentioned being born again (Jn 3:3,4).  The Samaritan woman thought about the water at the bottom of Jacob's well when Jesus mentioned living water (Jn 4:10,11).  And the disciples thought about physical food when Jesus mentioned that He had food they did not know about (Jn 4:32,33).

The 'food' Jesus has in mind is to accomplish the work the Father had sent Him to do (Jn 4:34).  He calls this work 'food' because God's work has a sustaining and joy-producing nature.  In this context, the work of Christ is to give eternal life to many Samaritans.  It is thrilling to read about this disenfranchised people declare that Jesus is the "Savior of the world" (Jn 4:42).

C. Ryle is right to say that Jesus "found such delight and comfort in doing good to souls, that it was as good as meat and drink to him" (Ryle, Thoughts on John, 1:170). Job said, "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12). There is a delight and a life-giving sustenance to communion with God in obedience that exceeds the benefits and pleasures of meat and potatoes.