Mar 28, 2021
Scripture Reading: John 12:12-26
All four gospel writers contain the stirring story of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem one week before His death on the cross. The account tells the story of a very public declaration, in no uncertain terms, that Jesus is king. All secrecy about Jesus is now gone.
The Passover festival was one week away when Jesus rode the two miles from Bethany to Jerusalem on a donkey, arriving not on a war-horse, but on a symbol of peace. The Passover festival was a time when all Jews who were capable came to Jerusalem, probably living in tents along the roads. Estimates run as high as 2,700,000 people who thronged the city during this time of year.
When the news spread that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, people went out to meet Him, laying palm branches and clothes in the road and shouting, "Hosanna to the son of David!" It was an unambiguous declaration that they were recognizing Jesus as the promised Messiah, the King they had been looking for.
The question facing us is this … Do we recognize Him as king … our king? Do we do homage to Him as king? Do we submit in obedience to the king? Do we rejoice in the wonder that we are children of the king? Anything less than these heartfelt responses is to let this season pass with cold-hearted indifference to the most glorious reality in the universe … the Son of David … the Son of God … the King of Kings. Jesus followed up the cries of the Israelites by saying, "If anyone serves me, he must follow me" (Jn 12:26).