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Sep 27, 2020

Scripture Reading: John 2:12-22

This passage is John's account of Jesus cleansing the temple.  John has the story at the beginning of Jesus' ministry.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke all have accounts of Jesus clearing the temple too, but in those gospels it occurs just prior to Jesus' death, at the end of His ministry.  The difference is probably to be explained by the possibility that Jesus cleared the temple of animal sales twice … once at the outset of His public ministry and once at the end.

Jesus did what He did at the time of Passover (Jn 2:13).  The temple complex would have been crowded with many more people than normal.  These travelers from other parts of Israel would need to exchange money for Jewish currency so they could pay the annual temple tax.  They would need to purchase animals for Passover and other sacrifices.  Such a commercial atmosphere in the temple was the focus of Jesus' actions.

Jesus' passionate indignation is an indication of His view of the importance and sanctity of worship, which is easily undermined by other distractions.  Further, Jesus' answer to the Jews asking Jesus for a sign of His authority points us to the crucial fountain of genuine worship … Himself.  Jesus said the sign they are asking for will be His resurrection.  "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (Jn 2:19).

Genuine worship is, fundamentally, a matter of communion with Christ.  The temple was a picture of coming to God … of having a relationship with God.  The fountain of any genuine communion with the Creator is Jesus Himself … faith in Him … love for Him … obeying Him … reverence before Him.