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Aug 28, 2022

Scripture Reading: John 21:15-19

This remarkable conversation between Jesus and Simon Peter is found only in John's gospel.  Following breakfast that morning, Jesus asked the same question three times … "Simon, son of John, do you love me?"  And three times Simon Peter gave the same answer, "Yes Lord, you know that I love you."

In calling Peter "Simon, son of John," Jesus may have been recalling the initial call of Peter to follow Christ.  John 1:42 … "You are Simon the son of John.  You shall be called 'Cephas' (which is translated Peter)."

This conversation is a restoration of Simon Peter.  It is, first, a restoration of relationship between Jesus and Peter.  The threefold question seems to recall the threefold denial of Peter the night before Jesus' crucifixion.  Jesus is drawing Peter back to Himself in a loving relationship.

Second, this is a restoration of Peter to a position of leadership in the people of Christ.  Three times Jesus says to Peter, "Feed my sheep."  Because Christ's forgiveness is real, Peter will continue to lead as the number of followers of Christ grows in the early chapters of Acts.

It is significant that Jesus focuses on Peter's love for Him.  The greatest commandment in the Bible is to love God with all our heart.  "Do we love Christ?  That is the great question.  Without this there is no vitality about our Christianity. . . . There is no life where there is no love" (Ryle, Thoughts on John, 3:322)