Nov 10, 2024
Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 14:23-29
Jeroboam II was the 14th king of the northern kingdom of Israel. He had a long reign of 41 years and enjoyed security, and even the expansion of his kingdom. It was the most prosperous time in the history of the northern kingdom.
2 Kings 14;23-29 tell us of the material success of Jeroboam II, while Amos and Hosea … prophets contemporary with him … tell us of the spiritual corruption of Israel during this time.
There was great expansion of territory under the rule of Jeroboam II (2 Kgs 14;25) and God saved the Israelites from its enemies (2 Kgs 14:26,27), but this was a display of divine grace because Jeroboam II "did what was evil in the sight of the LORD" (2 Kgs 14:24).
But beneath the surface of material success was a dark spiritual reality. The land was filled with lying, murder, theft, adultery, and oppression of the poor (Hos 4:1,2; Amos 4:1). The people had forgotten God's law (Hos 4:6) … and His omniscience and judgment (Hos 7:2) … and His steadfast love (Hos 11:1-4). Spiritually speaking, they were 'feeding on the wind.'
When we turn away from God, we replace Him with water that does not satisfy and bread that does not nourish. In His mercy God beckons to us "Listen diligently to me, and eat with is good" (Isa 55:2).