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Feb 12, 2023

Scripture Reading: Amos 5:21-27

 One of the signs of the rebellion of the Israelites of Amos's day was the hypocrisy of their worship.  They performed the acts of worship, but these acts were not pleasing to God.  In fact, God declared that He hated the empty rituals these Jews were engaged in (Amos 5:21).

 The true nature of the hollow ceremonies of the Jews was seen in the sinfulness of their lives … injustice, idolatry, materialism, immorality.  God calls on these rebellious Israelites to "hate evil and love good" and to "let justice roll down like waters" (Amos 5:15,24).

 One of the great dangers of a worship service (or even private worship) is that its activities can be done out of routine.  There is an external form of worship … singing, praying, communion, giving.  But it is possible to do all those activities without the heart being engaged.  This was one of the recurring sins of the people of Israel (cf. Isa 1:10-15; Mt 23:23).  

Worship is not just an academic experience.  It is also an emotional experience.  How can a person really encounter the infinite, living God and not feel awe and humility and yearning and joy?  When our hearts are stirred deeply by the presence of God, then we see that worship is the delight of all delights to the human soul.  May God keep us from being so stuffed with the 'white bread' of our culture that we have no hunger for the pleasures of the infinite God.