Mar 25, 2024
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
An issue had arisen in the church in Corinth which caused Paul to address the God-designed differences between men and women. The evidence of some confusion about male and female roles was that Corinthian women in the church had flaunted the custom of wearing some sort of veil or head-covering when coming to worship.
In the culture of the first century the wearing of some head covering seemed to be a symbol of submission and modesty. Perhaps because of their freedom in Christ … and essential equality with men … Christian women were leaving off any covering on their heads when attending worship services.
In this passage, Paul addresses some fundamental differences between men and women which the Creator has designed. Though, in essence, men and women equally bear the image of God (1 Cor 11:11,12, Gen 1:27,28; 5:2) and possess salvation in the same way (Gal 3:28) ,,, in terms of function there are differences of responsibility.
Paul appeals to the creation account to buttress his point (1 Cor 11:8,9). The fact that Eve was created from Adam and as a helper to him, highlights the fact that there are differences of responsibilities that men and women bear.
To blur these differences, as our culture does, is to tamper with God-designed roles that men and women have … especially in the family and in the church. May God give us such understanding of His wise designs that men and women rejoice in how God has made them. To make a massive understatement, the Almighty knows, exactly, what He is doing.